The first part of this activity was learning the 6 different watercolor techniques that we would use in out project. The six we learned were gradient work (darker at the top and using more water to drag the paint down making it lighter and the bottom), flat wash (creating an evenly applied layer), crayon resist (a crayon color is under the watercolor and the paint does not cover it making the crayon show through), blotting (taking a paper towel to take off some of the paint), sgraffito (taking the end of the paintbrush and making designs in the paint), and wet on wet (adding watercolor to paper that already has water on it).
The next part of this project was sectioning the paper into four parts. Each part was then used for students to watercolor what they were feeling when a song played. We had to have at least 2 different techniques in the project. The song selection was carried. Some were light and smooth while others were hard and loud.
Extension Activity: This project would be cool to do in a language arts classroom. Students could create a portfolio about the books they read and identify the way that they made them feel based off of watercolors. This would be very engaging in this class because it is not something that is typically done.
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